This guide draws together some key strands relating to Organisations and how they link to other parts of the system.
You will see the terms: Organisation, Business, Company within our system: they mean the same thing. Most people may have Company names on their data file and this field can be used for both Business dataloads (Import Organisations) and Import Contacts. Business dataloads create Organisations within intouchcrm.
If you are planning to action a Business dataload (Import Organisations) followed by a Contact import and you wish to link your Contacts with your Organisations during this process, then don't forget to tick the box "Link to Organisation" during the contact import.
Contact records
If you wish to link a contact manually with an organisation just click on the Organisations tab and select the organisation from the list and then click on the Link to Organisation button:
Business Reports
With having organisations loaded/added onto your account this gives you the added function of being able to run business reports.
Click here for our business reports guide
Click here for a range of support materials relating to organisations